
iBoot adds reliability to WiFi deployments.

Written by Admin | Aug 12, 2013 11:51:35 AM

Managing hundreds of locations is a challenge for any business.  When your business is providing wireless internet access, your customers rely on continuous service and downtime becomes especially costly.  DeepCoolClear, a leading provider of Managed WiFi solutions and the popular Hotspot in a Briefcase knows that their customers can not afford to roll a truck every time one of their systems gets a hiccup.

Managing hotspots in high end public spaces

“Ours is a small business that thrives upon providing the best possible services to our customers. We cannot afford the downtime associated with broadband outages.” says Girish Altekar, President of DeepCoolClear.  Girish knows that many times, these outages are frustrating to the end users and potentially costly to the coffee shop, supermarket or other hotspot provider.   Girish also knows that most of the time, a quick power cycle can get the job done with minimal intervention.  “As part of our services, we wanted maximum uptime for our hotspots. Since most of the outages experienced for our hotspots are transient broadband failures, we need a solution to automatically reboot our devices when a failure was detected. ”

After looking at a number of reboot devices, DeepCoolClear standardized on iBoot to provide the automatic failure detection and immediate reboot they were looking for.  “The iBoot is compact, well designed and meets all of our needs” Girish went on.  “We see our hotspots active all the time.  That’s a big benefit.

Find out more about DeepCloolClear

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David Weiss, President