
Protect Your Remote Systems Access with Two-Factor Authentication

Written by Admin | Feb 2, 2023 12:00:09 PM

Can you remember what life was like before we had the ability to work remotely? Thanks to remote systems technology, a new work-life balance has been developed. Many of us are able to enjoy the flexibility, efficiency, and cost benefits of working from home. We can now access files, data, and equipment anywhere in the world!

However, that convenience comes at a cost. The wonders of technology have also delivered the threat of hackers lurking at our digital doorways and seeking to grasp social security numbers, credit card codes, and other personal information.

Cyber criminals are equal-opportunity thieves. They have no bias on the types of businesses they attack—from global corporations to small firms and non-profits—no one is immune to cybercrime. As cybercrime continues to evolve and become more sophisticated, most companies find that their old security systems are no match for techno-savvy bad actors.

Stolen digital information can empty customers’ bank accounts and damage their credit ratings. It leads to identity theft and all of the headaches involved in restoring these critical elements of everyday life. And no company or organization wants to be responsible for doing that to their loyal customers, patrons, or members.

What’s the Password?

Creating secure account passwords has always been the gold standard of online security. However, passwords are not foolproof. Be honest now–who is guilty of using “Password123” at least once in their lives? The burden of an effective password management system is real. We cannot remember them, we duplicate them among current accounts, and we recycle old ones when opening new accounts. Some of us commit the ultimate fail by recording them on a slip of paper—which eventually gets lost—or stolen.

Two-Factor Authentication is an Extra Layer of Protection

Two-factor Authentication (2FA) provides an extra layer of security to ensure that only the authorized user can access the account. The first factor of identification involves entering the username and password; the user will then be required to provide a second factor of identification.

This second factor may be a PIN number, answer to a secret question, a code sent via email, a credit card CVV, or even a fingerprint scan.

2FA provides additional reassurance that a potential breach of one layer of security won’t compromise the account.

This can make a crucial difference in your user’s account security.

Dataprobe’s iBoot Cloud Service (iBCS) takes the security of your data seriously. Our units provide power controllers which control multiple units in various locations from a single portal with one sign-on. Additionally, Dataprobe’s Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) allows multiple users to safely access the same account using their own unique credentials.

All of our diverse security configurations utilize Two-Factor Authentication. Whenever users log in, they receive an email containing a unique, computer-generated code that is required to complete the login procedure.

The team at Dataprobe is continually working to refine the user experience with state-of-the-art security features that not only offer the highest level of protection, but also add functionality, efficiency, and ease-of-use to your system’s architecture–enabling you to easily deploy additional iBoots and access them from anywhere in the world.