
Core Values Alive

Written by Admin | Oct 8, 2013 6:14:04 PM

If you have visited our website, I hope you had a chance to review our Core Values.  They are a reflection of who we are and what we strive for.  They help us make decisions and achieve our goals.

How did Our Core Values come to be?

We used an exercise to reveal and help clarify our core values.  We started with a question: If we were to send representatives to an Alien Planet from Dataprobe, which employees would we want to represent us.  Then the question was why.  What are the attributes of those employees that are a representation of our best selves.  From these, we distilled, compared and crystallized to reach our final Core Values

Telling Core Value Stories

These values were always present in our employees, it was the acknowledgement of them that became infectious, and spread though the company as Stories.  The telling of Core Value Stories; sharing how another employee honors our Core Values, is a daily occurrence in our meetings and huddles. It has created a culture at Dataprobe, that both celebrates and reinforces who we are and what we do.

Core Values Alive has created Pride of ourselves, in what we do, and the products we produce.

Dataprobe Core Values

We value integrity:

  • Honest with Self and Others
  • Take Responsibility for Our Words / Actions / Choices
  • Commit to Meeting our Goals

We value respect:

  • Listen Actively and Communicate Constructively
  • Value Opinions and Viewpoints of Others

We value teamwork:

  • Share Willingly and Openly; Knowledge, Information and Experience
  • Put Company Goals before Individual Tasks and Assignments

We value courage:

  • Speak and Act without Fear
  • Question the Status Quo
  • Take Initiative to Discover Opportunities and Solve Problems

We value improvement:

  • Never Stop Learning
  • Leave it better than you found it
  • Be Resourceful, Agile, and Flexible in Meeting Challenges