Innovating with Digital Technology
During this strange and uncharted time of quarantine and social distancing, we are seeing more and more innovative applications for digital technology.
We have all witnessed how our lives and businesses have changed as a result of the pandemic. As much as this “reboot” of society is a challenge, it also makes way for new ideas and innovations. Knowing what we know now, the current technologies we are using may have many more applications in the future.
Whiteboards and videoconferencing are keeping students connected with their teachers, even when they are not in school. Will we ever need to have snow days again?
Costly business trips may now be replaced with budget-friendlier Zoom meetings.
Kiosks now dispense hand sanitizer or read your temperature.
Digital signage shares up-to-date health information at COVID-19 testing sites. It serves as a waiting-room distraction providing health tips, weather, news, and entertainment.
There are thousands of relevant applications out there…not only for the future in crisis planning
but also for our day-to-day lives. Digital signage is going to be one of the most practical ways to communicate in the social distancing situations we are experiencing now. Make sure your units are up and running with a managed PDU connection so they can be triggered to reboot remotely in case of a mechanical or power failure. Digital signage is a critical means of messaging—be prepared!
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